Dafoodangel's Blog

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Green Tea Creme Brule…….

Well, I promised a how-to, so here it is. I will be basically showing you how to make Creme Brule. Although this is my own variation of the norm, the ingredients are essentially the same minus the green tea. This delicious concoction I’m about to show you will make 8-12 servings. I normally make them each in their own little dish per person, however i was catering to a larger party and made it in a much bigger batch.

Ingredients: 6 Egg Yolks, 6 Tablespoons of White Sugar, 1/2 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract, 2 1/2 Cups of Heavy Whipping Cream, Green Tea Bags/Powder

First thing i do is pre-heat the oven to 300 degrees F. Next I’ll turn the stove on to a simmer and pour the 2 1/2 cups of cream into it. Add 3 to 4 tea bags into the cream and let it sit. What i found helpful in bringing out the flavor was to get a cup and add a little water in. Let the tea bags sit in there for a few seconds just to start letting out the tea, and then finally submerging it in the cream. I usually stir it around after a few minutes.

While the cream is heating up,  in two bowls, i separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. I usually save the whites for later when making a souffle or meringue. Once you have the 6 egg yolks separated, add in the 6 tablespoons of the white sugar and the 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla. Now use a mixing spoon, stir the mixture together and beat until combined. Once the mixture is combined, go back to the cream.

Continue stirring the cream and tea bags to get the flavor out. After about 8 minutes or so on the stove, remove the tea bags, pour the cream into the egg mixture from earlier and stir until it becomes a smooth liquid. The color will be a sort of green, beige and remember to make sure there are no clumps in the bowl. Once batch is ready, pour into individual serving dishes and make in the oven for 30 minutes. Remember i made mine as one big batch but its much better in individual servings. Once you cook the creme brule for 30 minutes, removed from the oven and let it cool down to room temperature.

Once cooled, stick the creme brule in the refrigerator. You can cheat like me and stick it in the freezer for 15 minutes so it hardens. Remove from the cold, and using a sifter, sprinkle sugar on the surface of the creme brule. Now if you don’t have a torch, you can set the oven to broil and melt the sugar for 2 minutes before sticking it back in the refrigerator or freezer until you serve it.  So if you have a torch, have fun, just don’t stay too long or it will burn too much. For a little extra flavor, you can sprinkle Cointreau Liquor onto the sugar and torch it together.

After the creme brule is all set and done, served chilled in their individual plates or in plates like i have. I also added raspberry’s and mint leaves to decorate.

Well enjoy everyone, i hope you go out and try this on your own, feel free to ask any questions you have or comment if you’ve tried my recipe =) Remember “Bon Appetit” and remember to check back soon for my Boiling Crab review.

July 21, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Best EVER! I can attest to the DELISHUSNESS of this creme de la creme. Thanks for the recipe but I rather just have you cook it for us…hahaha! Thanks for the reminder too and for making me hungry =p..

    Comment by Ginny | July 21, 2009 | Reply

  2. yummmmmm!!! looks sooo good! i can taste it again hahaha

    Comment by CHAR BEEZY | July 21, 2009 | Reply

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