Dafoodangel's Blog

If you love food, this is the place to be!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

First and foremost, may we all have a great Thanksgiving, whether it be lunch or dinner or both. Food Angel would like to thank everyone who supports us for we are thankful for all of you. I know it’s been a little slow, but after the Thanksgiving special, I should have everything back up to schedule. For now, Eat up, Drink up, and have fun.

November 26, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Sorry…..Busy Busy Busy

Hey everyone, sorry for the serious lack of updates. Ive been gone the week for SEMA in Las Vegas, and I’m booked till the end of the month. Good thing right? I guess but I’ve got a lot going on. Anyways, I’ll have some pictures of food that I prepared while in Vegas and I should have a few reviews going up during the course of the next week or so. So stay tuned, and thank you to everyone and your support and for helping make this happen. “Bon Appetite”

November 10, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment