Dafoodangel's Blog

If you love food, this is the place to be!

Valencia(Awesometown) Gourmet Food Truck Festival……

Well, I’ve been busy for the past few days getting ready for my best friends wedding so I haven’t been on it lately. However, here’s something to look forward to this weekend. Valencia aka awesome town according to their site, is hosting their gourmet food truck festival this Saturday, October 16th. The event will start at 5pm until 9pm. This will be quite smaller than the OC Foodie Fest or the LA Street Food Fest, but still, with 22 trucks to cater to you, how could you complain? Just to name some of the trucks, Tapaboy will be there, which I have been itchin to try, Fish Lips, Great Balls, Fry Smith, and the list goes on. If you aren’t doing anything, then definitely check it out. I won’t be able to make this event, but if anyone wants to go and snap some pictures, I can write a guest review and post it up. Check the link below for more information….



October 12, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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