Dafoodangel's Blog

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Quick n’ Easy Seafood Ramen…..

Well, figured it’s been a while since I posted up a how-to, I’ll start off with something fairly simple and easy. Heres a little how-to on cooking Seafood Ramen. Its simple, delicious, and great on a cold day or just when your hungry.  With prep time and cooking time, this should take about 15-20 minutes. It’s great for a quick meal when you’re in a hurry, or just tired from work. I apologize from the beginning for the lack of better pictures since they were shot with my blackberry phone. I’ll start off with the ingredients.

1 Package of pre-cooked ramen noodles

1 Package of Shelled/Deveined  Shrimp

1 Package of Imitation Crab Mix

1 Fish Cake Roll

1 Egg

3 Tblsp of Garlic Powder

1 Tblspn of Black Pepper

2 Tblspn of Siracha Chili

4 Tblspn of Maggi Sauce

1 Tblspn of Salt/Soy Sauce/Fish Sauce

First off, you don’t need to use the whole package, however I find it a little more budget friendly buying a whole package. So lets start this off by combining the shrimp and crab meat into a bowl. You can use however much you want of each meat. I went with a hand full of crab meat and about 12 shrimp. Remember to wash them first.

Next off, add the garlic powder, black pepper, siracha chili into the shrimp and crab mix. You can stir the mixture together with a spoon or by hand to get the flavor really into the meat. With that done, your mixture should look something like this.

Also, notice I did not add the fish cake. I do this because fish cake has its own unique flavor that I like to preserve and let it just soak up the soup with. Take about 1/3 of the roll and slice them up to pieces.

Now to the cooking part, spray a small pot with pam, or lightly coat the pot with a little bit of corn or soy oil. Let that heat up real quick and toss in the shrimp and crab meat. Remember, shrimp cooks fairly fast. You’ll know when it’s cooked when the shrimp plumps up just a bit and gets a bit of that orange/red color. They will curl up fast. Cook them for about 4 minutes at med to high heat.

Once your done, remove the shrimp and put them aside in another bowl. You will use this again after.

You’ll notice leftover “stock” from the meat mixture. Add water to about 3/4 of the pot and let water boil as you stir the mixture. The “soup” should be a reddish color. You may add more Siracha chili if you like it a little spicier like me. Now add the salt to the soup and continue to stir while it boils. Add the ramen noodles into the soup along with the fish cake.Now add one egg on top of the ramen and let it cook until you see it turning white a little. By then, break the yolk and continue to stir the ramen and soup together. Now take that bowl of crab and shrimp mixture and put it into the soup. Continue to stir the ramen with the meat. You can add another tablespoon of fish sauce or soy sauce at this point.

And the final product…….voila! Quick, Easy, and Delicious…..until next time fellow foodies, “Bon Appetit”

August 9, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment »

  1. I will be trying this out at home! Thanks..

    Comment by David Lakani | August 10, 2010 | Reply

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