Dafoodangel's Blog

If you love food, this is the place to be!

Quick Update….

Sorry about the review delays….I’ve been having technical difficulties….as in my computer crashed….I should have the reviews up tomorrow from restaurant week, I have to go back and edit everything and re-upload all the photos…so sorry again for no new content…

September 28, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Just a little of what I have to offer……

Well I’m starting to get back in the groove of things, so expect more reviews soon and how – to’s. Some good news for those of you that missed out on Orange County’s Restaurant Week. Many of the restaurants have decided to extend the restaurant week until this Saturday, September 26th. You should definitely try some of these places out. Check the site for participating restaurants.


I actually tried The Royal Hawaiian last week since they had a good looking menu. Expect a review later and I might add, was not very impressed. So for now enjoy pictures from the last dinner I cooked for the Lakani’s and Douesnard’s. The menu I prepared for them that evening is the usual 3 course meal that most people choose. So enjoy my little visual sample….

For the appetizer, I prepared a Salmon Tartare served with sliced Sourdough Baguettes. So while my guest enjoy their appetizer, I’m usually busy preparing the next item….

…and on to the main course. The main dish of the night was Seared Filet Mignon covered in Carmelized Onions and Mushrooms. As a side, Steamed Asparagus served with a Tangy, Onion Vinegrette Dressing to finish off the main dish. But thats not it for the 3 course, theres still dessert….

…and to end the night, my most requested dessert, Creme Brule. I didn’t take a good picture of it that night so I’ll use a picture of a previous one I made so you can get the idea. I now offer this delicious dessert in a variety of flavors and combinations. You can try my Green Tea Creme Brule, Chocolate Creme Brule, Banana Creme Brule, Raspberry Creme Brule, Original or my newest creation, Chocolate Clafoutis with a Creme Brule Center covered Fruit or Ice Cream..

Well….that’s it for now, come back for my Royal Hawaiian review….Ill be checking out a few more places this week, come along if you’d like…..

September 22, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Orange County Restaurant Week……..Join Me

Well, again I apologize to everyone, it’s been a long while since I updated this. I’ve had alot going on as well as alot of new clients who have used my services. First and foremost, thank you to everyone for their continual support. Starting today, everything should be back on track. I have a few pictures I still have to upload from my camera. Expect some things real soon. I know there are people all over who check my blog out, but if your local in Southern California, you will definitely want to check this out. Sunday started the beginning of Orange County’s Restaurant Week. Its held annually and if you want some good food, from some great restaurant for an excellent price, this is the time to go. I will be checking out a few places this year since I was only able to check out once last year. So definitely try this and check out the great deals.


It’s only a week so don’t wait…check it out now. September 13th till September 19th

September 15, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment